Tuesday, December 26, 2017

In the next one month!

Over the next few weeks, there are a number of very interesting A&N things I'm going to be doing in different parts... Pune, Hyderabad and Jaipur. Do come by if you are around; the details follow:
1) Dec 30 in Pune; Release by Deepak Dalal of my new book 'Islands in Flux - the Andaman and Nicobar story' followed by an illustrated presentation on the islands. Happens at Pagdandi, Baner, Saturday, December 30, 11 am. Also a small photo exhibition on the islands at Pagdandi. Event details: https://www.facebook.com/events/155050761799769/
2) 4th January Onwards in Hyderabad: Will be part of the Krishnakriti Foundation's 'Mapping Frontiers' art exhibition curated by Lina Vincent Sunish that brings together some of the A&N photograph scrolls printed on silk under the title 'Mapped Together - The A&N islands'. This opens at the Goethe Zentrum in the evening on the 4th of Jan and will be up for a full fortnight. Details: https://www.facebook.com/krishnakritifoundation/photos/a.766515876696639.1073741827.184492544898978/1913580218656860/?type=3&theater
3) 28th Jan - at the Jaipur Lit Fest, will be in a conversation on the islands and 'The Last Wave' and 'Islands in Flux' with Amita Baviskar #jlf Schedule: https://jaipurliteraturefestival.org/programme

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